Clan statistics for: The Blood Rising

Clan information

Full name: The Blood Rising

Weekly rank (detail »)

RankNameTime PPH

Monthly rank (detail »)

RankNameTime PPH
188 {TBR}DaRealRoky17h 08m 594
- {TBR}haste8h 55m 393
- {TBR}Zeus3h 20m 496

Alltime rank (detail »)

RankNameTime PPH
460 {TBR}Kimisa68h 15m 632
481 {TBR}DaRealRoky81h 50m 506
485 {TBR}ReEsEs84h 26m 487
- {TBR}Bloodsport42h 57m 532
- {TBR}ExaltED28h 19m 555
- {TBR}~$TR!K3R~26h 14m 451
- {TBR}haste27h 35m 422
- {TBR}-Sticky-19h 07m 506