Clan statistics for: Cube Ownage clan

Clan information

Full name: Cube Ownage clan

Full name
Cube Ownage clan
Clan tag
The Cube Ownage clan has been around since may 2010 & is founded by ex-IAF|Burn. together with hes friends: Turm0il, Ghost, ChaoTiiC & GeRT.

Clan homepage

Alltime rank

Minimum 500 or 2500 points

page 1

RanksGeneralKillingCTF FlagsFlags
DayWeekMonthAlltimeNameTimePPHxFPHRatioPoints FragsDeathsKills GibsTKillsTGibsSuicides StolenScoredReturned KTFHTF
- - - 424 .cO'|GeRT.108h 01m 441 7 1.64 47664 14691 8956 9526 2949 202 310 221 2282 808 893 4 13
- - - 439 .cO'|BurN.170h 26m 266 3 1.56 45464 23523 15015 10040 7439 281 675 439 2070 612 1055 36 29
- - - 572 .cO'|bruh.70h 50m 468 4 1.84 33164 15185 8231 10160 2781 206 217 114 930 239 549 59 10
- - - - .cO'|Ghost.52h 48m 390 5 1.89 20622 9433 4979 4491 2656 104 165 101 799 234 336 48 9
- - - - .cO'|Overload!29h 27m 342 5 1.30 10100 4609 3527 2364 1267 111 103 75 574 136 299 18 10
- - - - .cO'|BlacK28h 46m 331 6 1.58 9530 3843 2429 2529 733 108 11 33 368 117 187 41 33