Clan statistics for: Woop clan

Clan information

Full name: Woop clan
IRC: #woop-clan @ GameSurge

Woop clan is the first AssaultCube clan and has been around since 2006.

Woop clan's homepage

Weekly rank

Minimum 500 points

page 1

time period, weekly: 200940 200941 200942 200943 200944 200945 200946 200947 200948 200949 200950

RanksGeneralKillingCTF FlagsFlags
DayWeekMonthAlltimeNameTimePPHxFPHRatioPoints FragsDeathsKills GibsTKillsTGibsSuicides StolenScoredReturned KTFHTF
70 64 73 10 w00p|Meatpie7h 43m 538 5 1.94 4161 1116 575 377 397 6 36 13 131 46 89 - -
51 106 125 74 w00p|kreptor3h 09m 877 16 1.08 2769 556 513 437 71 11 3 9 184 53 62 - -
- 162 193 - w00p|.ech02h 08m 915 6 3.15 1963 627 199 253 203 8 15 9 29 13 20 - -
60 167 129 - w00p|Korn2h 03m 939 6 1.85 1933 602 325 262 191 8 13 21 52 13 52 - -
- - - - w00p|Gale0n1h 49m 826 4 2.71 1502 481 177 271 122 6 14 14 34 9 16 - -
- - - 135 w00p|doctor50m 679 7 1.05 568 172 163 71 60 4 11 4 36 6 16 - -
- - - - w00p|Kreat1h 03m 536 3 1.47 564 190 129 70 66 1 4 7 26 4 9 - -