Clan statistics for: Woop clan

Clan information

Full name: Woop clan
IRC: #woop-clan @ GameSurge

Woop clan is the first AssaultCube clan and has been around since 2006.

Woop clan's homepage

Weekly rank

Minimum 500 points

page 1

time period, weekly: 201033 201034 201035 201036 201037 201038 201039 201040 201041 201042 201043

RanksGeneralKillingCTF FlagsFlags
DayWeekMonthAlltimeNameTimePPHxFPHRatioPoints FragsDeathsKills GibsTKillsTGibsSuicides StolenScoredReturned KTFHTF
156 118 144 147 w00p|''Zodiak.12h 43m 658 14 2.35 8379 2880 1221 1424 777 27 49 22 321 88 154 89 8
- - - - w00p|Boni10h 15m 436 4 1.99 4480 2240 1121 995 673 20 39 42 144 27 122 14 10
- - - - w00p|Pretty5h 00m 852 10 2.10 4276 1325 628 753 306 14 14 12 178 51 117 - -
- - 137 511 w00p|Romeo3h 14m 1099 17 3.89 3571 1169 300 433 382 4 17 7 114 56 43 - 2
- - - - w00p|Beauty2h 05m 481 4 1.78 1004 401 225 261 72 - 2 2 28 9 28 - -
- - 131 85 w00p|lipe3h 06m 299 3 2.53 929 302 119 234 38 4 4 - 15 6 32 - 4