Clan statistics for: The epic.Rebellion

Clan information

Full name: The epic.Rebellion
IRC: #epicrebellion @ GameSurge

Weekly rank

Minimum 500 points

page 1

time period, weekly: 201042 201043 201044 201045 201046 201047 201048

RanksGeneralKillingCTF FlagsFlags
DayWeekMonthAlltimeNameTimePPHxFPHRatioPoints FragsDeathsKills GibsTKillsTGibsSuicides StolenScoredReturned KTFHTF
- 198 - - |eR|Ehsan3h 12m 557 26 1.78 1790 658 368 304 178 - - 2 88 14 13 62 10
- - - - Vermi.|eR|2h 29m 672 10 2.09 1678 439 210 389 28 6 - - 57 22 33 - 4
- - - - |eR|Sepehr1h 11m 1081 10 2.78 1297 354 127 334 11 - - 2 20 12 38 - 1
- - - - |eR|Morsey!3h 33m 281 6 1.10 1001 432 391 387 34 19 4 - 52 8 23 11 4
- - - - |eR|DrooL1h 18m 505 5 1.79 659 190 106 156 20 3 3 - 18 7 25 - -
- - - - |eR|~Morsey!1h 57m 272 6 1.66 532 273 164 180 56 8 9 2 11 4 9 8 -