Clan statistics for: The Next Generation Clan (Inactive)

Clan information

Full name: The Next Generation Clan

Monthly rank

Minimum 500 points

page 1

time period, monthly: 200907 200908 200909 200910 200911 200912 201001 201002 201003

RanksGeneralKillingCTF FlagsFlags
DayWeekMonthAlltimeNameTimePPHxFPHRatioPoints FragsDeathsKills GibsTKillsTGibsSuicides StolenScoredReturned KTFHTF
- 134 - - |TnG|JY10h 08m 577 8 1.68 5859 1389 824 960 244 22 22 15 253 83 117 - -
- - - - |TnG|INSomnIAc10h 04m 374 6 1.16 3771 999 856 670 193 22 16 19 197 61 75 - -
- - - - |TnG|T!M311h 12m 284 3 0.92 3184 1201 1299 962 158 31 29 17 194 39 97 - -
- - - - |TnG|Boomer7h 26m 397 5 1.08 2959 713 658 446 163 14 17 28 183 43 82 - -
- - - - |TnG|Sharpclaws4h 47m 290 2 0.93 1392 506 541 189 195 12 20 41 85 13 54 - -
- - - - |TnG|Random.9h 06m 150 3 0.70 1370 492 695 402 58 10 6 10 140 17 46 3 9
- - - - |TnG|Legendary~4h 15m 242 3 0.84 1034 345 408 211 85 11 13 12 66 15 38 - -