Clan statistics for: The $niper Resistance

Clan information

Full name: The $niper Resistance

Monthly rank

Minimum 500 points

page 1

time period, monthly: 200908 200909 200910 200911 200912 201001 201002 201003 201004 201005 201006

RanksGeneralKillingCTF FlagsFlags
DayWeekMonthAlltimeNameTimePPHxFPHRatioPoints FragsDeathsKills GibsTKillsTGibsSuicides StolenScoredReturned KTFHTF
46 96 - - |T$R|jAcKRoCk*16h 32m 272 5 0.85 4512 1350 1584 943 259 28 48 35 382 93 166 - 1