Clan statistics for: The $niper Resistance

Clan information

Full name: The $niper Resistance

Weekly rank

Minimum 500 points

page 1

time period, weekly: 201012 201013 201014 201015 201016 201017 201018 201019 201020 201021 201022

RanksGeneralKillingCTF FlagsFlags
DayWeekMonthAlltimeNameTimePPHxFPHRatioPoints FragsDeathsKills GibsTKillsTGibsSuicides StolenScoredReturned KTFHTF
- 23 44 - |T$R|chachan14h 34m 645 12 0.99 9415 1917 1930 1841 84 61 13 18 573 175 318 - -
52 25 57 106 |T$R|jAcKRoCk*29h 05m 305 5 1.23 8896 3824 3095 1794 1161 48 196 48 506 148 337 7 2
- 55 78 290 |T$R|*CENTINELA12h 59m 443 9 1.15 5756 1560 1345 1007 319 17 49 19 379 108 161 10 -
- 74 - 291 |T$R|Azimov15h 26m 313 5 1.06 4849 1561 1462 1331 163 26 38 32 252 72 167 19 -
- - - - |T$R|$piriT*7h 37m 135 3 0.85 1033 467 546 270 133 10 26 33 78 27 48 - -
- - - - |T$R|Cr0w2h 28m 210 2 1.13 520 304 268 115 106 4 17 2 30 6 33 - -