Clan statistics for: The Billybobers

Clan information

Full name: The Billybobers

Monthly rank

Minimum 500 points

page 1

time period, monthly: 200912 201001 201002 201003 201004 201005 201006 201007 201008 201009 201010

RanksGeneralKillingCTF FlagsFlags
DayWeekMonthAlltimeNameTimePPHxFPHRatioPoints FragsDeathsKills GibsTKillsTGibsSuicides StolenScoredReturned KTFHTF
44 31 67 337 {BoB}sinnerman66h 17m 324 4 1.08 21496 8927 8190 5630 1925 170 175 208 1162 322 923 - -
- - 72 40 {BoB}R-^-MPAGE44h 02m 478 9 1.20 21061 6839 5697 4594 1328 79 148 184 1231 373 562 - 27
- 29 94 - {BoB}lordamit59h 06m 310 4 1.11 18328 6221 5595 4615 1005 83 143 178 1152 248 658 - -
- - - 472 {BoB}MaVeRiCkDS17h 06m 272 4 0.97 4655 2089 2137 1052 602 22 63 82 413 81 170 - -
- - - - {BoB}happy19h 50m 201 3 0.89 3990 1920 2143 1357 314 44 15 6 241 69 183 - 4
- - - - {BoB}*C!|i#W*10h 55m 300 5 0.97 3278 1230 1265 883 237 42 42 43 241 64 92 - -
- - - - {BoB}Lordamit7h 33m 390 4 1.32 2957 1188 894 728 282 16 40 48 166 31 108 - -