Clan statistics for: The Billybobers

Clan information

Full name: The Billybobers

Weekly rank

Minimum 500 points

page 1

time period, weekly: 201035 201036 201037 201038 201039 201040 201041 201042 201043 201044 201045

RanksGeneralKillingCTF FlagsFlags
DayWeekMonthAlltimeNameTimePPHxFPHRatioPoints FragsDeathsKills GibsTKillsTGibsSuicides StolenScoredReturned KTFHTF
- 63 108 219 {BoB}slackie12h 47m 695 9 2.13 8890 2208 1033 1793 222 27 - 2 299 127 234 - -
- 68 112 62 {BoB}R-^-MPAGE10h 05m 844 12 1.82 8529 2693 1478 2301 225 34 4 20 301 96 155 6 29
78 155 - 348 {BoB}happy16h 36m 307 4 1.60 5107 2726 1694 1440 718 42 67 41 157 39 150 21 8
87 162 135 334 {BoB}Haittah10h 31m 460 9 2.27 4844 2241 986 1083 591 11 2 11 124 36 94 2 57
- - - - {BoB}KuliSRB11h 07m 162 3 1.13 1811 1130 994 877 143 21 6 6 69 13 46 - 23
- - - - {BoB}Aduem12h 27m 99 3 0.84 1234 1240 1472 896 189 22 4 8 83 22 45 - 16